

Psalm 4:8 

King James Version

8 I will both lay me down in peace, 

and sleep: 

for thou, Lord, 

only makest me dwell 

in safety.

It feels good to be home, in JESUS CHRIST.

I am home, because He is in my heart.

Let's all find our peace in the LORD.

The world doesn't make sense.

Only the Lord does.

This 14th blog will tell you things as they really are, and as they could be, under the GRACE and GUIDANCE of GOD.

The writing will be clear, simple, and direct.

After 29 months of intense study with the Holy Spirit, 39 blogs and 24 books, a lifetime of error and constant prayer, this blog feels right.

I am at ease, because I am at peace.

Only because the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD showed me many verses on the Bible, giving me the peace, joy, clarity, and comfort I needed.

Now, all is clear.

Never mind if it's through a cat's voice.

You will appreciate these gentle, private creatures.

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Published 24 December 2020

Updated 1 March 2023


  1 John 4:1 King James Version 4 Beloved, believe not every spirit,  but try the spirits whether they are of God:  because many false proph...